
Supernatural X Reader Crazy and Crazier.

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Chapter 5: Bow to the Queen, bitches. 

After the whole reveal and the drama that enfolded the previous night, you decided to get drunk rather than burn your research. 

"How do you guys handle hangovers?" You asked the two brothers as you walked into the library. You had just recently emtied the contents of your stomach, food was not an option. 

"Greasy food," Sam said. He handed you a bag. Thank the gods for cheeseburgers.

"Have I told you I loved you?"


"Okay, then!" Dean said through a mouthful of food, "Do we have a case? Something not you know...wierd. Something? Anything?"

"We're hunters, darling. Everything's wierd to us," you said. 

"Well.....we have a case. Something about things popping up randomly then flashing out. Cold spots and magnetic disturbances. Bobby wants us to check it out."

"why can't Bobby do it?" You asked through your second Apple. 

"Because him and Garth are handling a case in Wisconsin. Sheriff Mills notoced some odd complaints coming in," Sam said. "It sounds like a ghost infestation." 

"Did Death do something again?" You asked. "Or Crowley?" 

"No," Dean said. "He's not involved." you didn't question it. If anybody knew Death himself, it would be Dean. 

"And Crowley would have been bragging about it by now," Sam said. You had to agree with that. 

"Maybe it's just the ley lines acting up," you suggested. 

"The what?" Dean asked. "Ley lines? As in magical, non existing lines of energy that criss cross the Earth?" 

"They're real and it's kinda important. Sioux Falls is a beacon for ley lines. Multiple lines criss cross it. Ley lines are active for certain holidays. Hmmm," you said. "Dean. What's the date?" 

"April 22," he said. "Why?" 

"Sam. Go to the library and get a book called. Rituals and Spells," you snapped

"Why?" He asked. 

"Hop to, soldier!" You said instead. He shrugged and walked out side. "Dean stay here and don't do anything Dean-ish." 

You ran out of there and into your room, leaving your hangover behind. 
In a small corner, on a crappy wooden desk was three separate journals. They were labelled: Wonderland, Earth, and Reasarch. You grabbed all three and ran back into the library. Dean was out there and so was Sam, the book in his hand. 

"Go to April and see if any days are close to August 22," you instruct Sam. You flipped through your research notebook looking for April. "Anything?" 

"No. Nothing in here-wait! I've got one date." 

"Spit it out then!" 

"Saint Marks Eve," he said. "A day where ghosts roam through cemeteries."

"Oh. That's not good," you looked at the both of them with wide eyes. 

"What, ______?"

"You know how I said that someone was sending Wonderland-ish things through a portal to here?" You asked nervously. 

"Who's coming?" Dean asked.  

"I don't want to be right," you said. "But if I am, then it's so much worse than I thought. I thought that these things came through randomly but it's always on certain a dates. Ugh! Stupid! Of course use the veil to get through. Genius. That's how they unlocked the door! But if they did that, then they had to be......" You started ranting on. "Oh no."

Sam glared at Dean before approching you, "________," he said gently. You were still pacing, your face scrunched up in worry. "_______," he tried again. Sam held onto your arm to stop you from pacing. You stopped and looked up at him. For a small moment he saw fear in your eyes before it was replaced by worry. "Take a deep breath and tell us what's the matter. Let's sit down, okay?" He put his hand on her shoulder and guided her to the chair. "Now, tell me." 

"I think.....that if whoever is doing this in opening a portal through the veil then," you looked at Sam, "There's only two reason that Angie would want to open a portal.  One to find me and kill me. Two, Wonderland is in trouble and someone needs me." 

"So which one is it?" Dean asked. 

"I'm banking on the first one. No one in Wonderland would be that stupid," you said. "But if someone is trying to find me then we have to go to Sioux Falls." 


It took a good majority of the day, but eventually the three of you made it. Thanks to your study of leylines, you were able to pinpoint the exact location of where the portal would open. Bonny's house. Not really a shocker. This places EMF was off its rocker and it wasn't even Saint Marks Eve. 

"You're right, _______." Dean put away the EMF. "This place is radiating all types of crazy."

You pulled out some chalk from you jacket and started drawing on the floor. Ever since you've been cut off from Wonderland, you couldn't exactly perform magic. Sure you could maintain a decent spell or move objects, but you weren't as strong.

When you were younger, you would acompany Mr. White to the surface. Sometimes to run errands or check up on Earth. But before the two of you would leave, he had taught you how to draw the closing sigil. It marked that a portal belonged to the Queen and going in or out of it was considered a dangerous crime. 

The Queen of Hearts sigil was a hollowed heart with thorns around it in a circle. 

"Fancy," Dean commented. 

"Now what?" Sam asked. 

"We wait and what every comes out of that portal, I want you boys to be ready." 


You hadn't slept the entire night. Dean dozed off rights around one am and Sam tried to stay up with you. Eventually he fell asleep in a chair, his book stil on the table. 

The sigil remained and the EMF spikes a little bit but nothing too major. Nothing seemed unusual. A normal morning. The sun shined through the shades and into the room. You  ran your finger through you hair in frustration making it more of a mess. The was nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zero. 

You groaned and layed back in your chair. You let your eyes close as you felt sleep crawling up. Just a few minutes of shut eye, that's what you needed. And some beer. Preferabley. 

"_______!" You snapped your eyes open, waking up from a dreamless nap. Sam was shook your shoulder, his gun drawn and pointed at the sigil. Uou hoped up, sleep forgotten and brought the Vorpal Sword. 

the room shook and the sigil on the floor glowed a menacing blue. You shuddered and swallowed your uneasiness. 

"Is this it?!" Dean asked. 

"Yup! Get ready!" 

As soon as you said those words, a bright purple portal opened up causing the room to shake. You could catch a few glimpses of Wonderland and the palace. It made your heart wrench, you nearly thought about jumping back in. But you weren't ready to leave Sam or Dean. 

As fast as it appeared, it flickered and hiccuped. The wind died down long enough for a projectile to launch itself from the portal. You ducked in time as it embedded itself in the wall. 

"The hell?" You glared at the portal, waiting but nothing. It shrunk and then collapsed into itself leaving behind carnage and papers. Bobby was going to murder you. All of you. "Shit!"

"All in favor of blaming it on Angels, say aye!" You said raising  your hand. 

"Aye," Sam and Dean said at the same time. 

"Why are angels at fault for everything?" Cas asked. 


After cleaning up Bobbys living room and kitchen and wiping away the sigil except yours , the three of you drove back immediately to the bunker. The EMF died down drastically as the portal closed. You officially determined that the probability of that portal opening was zero. 

"So what's in the box?" Dean asked. "Did you get someone's head?"

"Very funny and no. It's something that shouldn't even be here. Whoever sent this is trying to tell me something."

"What's the message?" Sam asked as he examined the box. 

"I don't know and I don't like no knowing," you said. 


Once you got back to the bunker, you went immediately towards the dungeon and locked the box in there.

"Whatever happens, we never open that box. Okay?" You said. 

"I disagree," Dean said. 

"Don't care," you said. 

"It's a box with something that is clearly freaking you out. Don't tell me not to care. Whatever that is bad," Sam interjected. 

"You're right. It's bad. It's something I don't want to see again. Just trust me,Dean. It's best if we never look at it." You said. "There are-no were-sides of me that were once dark and terrifying. I don't want to go back to that and I don't want either of you to see that." 

"Okay," Dean said backing up. "But if something happens, it's on you." Sam looked at the door of the dungeon. He's clearly wasn't comfortable with this. 

"Not your burden to bear, then."


That night you didnt sleep peacefully. Your mind decided it wanted to take a trip down memory lane or as you used to call it, nightmare road. 

Its was a bloody memory than a nightmare. Nightmares had nothing on what laid in your memories. 

The day was such a nice day ironically. The crowd before you was silent as you looked out at them. The chains around your hands and legs were the only sound besides the wind. 

"________ of Hearts, you stand accused of high treason against her majesty the Queen of Hearts. How do you plead?" The Knave asked you. You always hated his weasily face. 

You our glared at him and spat at his feet. You turned towards your 'mother.' "Not guilty," you said strongly. 

"Enough," she said with a quick wave of her hand. "_______, my sweet. Just come back to me. Leave those rebels and come back. Come home. There's nothing to gain throwing your lot with those insurgents, you can be powerful with me," she smiled a false and sweet smile. "With me. We can be together, mother and daughter." 

You didn't hesitate, "Never!" 

"Tch. Unfortunate," she sighed. "Knave!" 

"Yes, your majesty?!" 

"Get the Jasper boy up here. Make it quick. I don't like my executions slow," she said. 

"No!" You screamed trying to get out of your chains. The two card soldiers pushed you back down to your knees, keeping their hands on your shoulders. "Don't you dare! You hag!" 

Jasper of Diamonds was dragged onto the platform, broken and bleeding. His red hair matted with blood and one of his lovely eyes swollen shut. Your heart screamed in your chest. You wanted to break these chains and run over towards him. 

"Hey there, Princess." He smiled weakly through his pain. "I guess we're in a jam of sorts."

"Jasper. I'm so, so sorry," you said weakly. "I'll get you out of this ,I swear."

"Adorable, really. I think I have heartburn now," you mother said. She rose up from her throne. "_______, since you refuse to come back and take your place, I have no other choice than to punish you," she tilted your head up and looked into your eyes. "I think it's time for you to listen to your mother, ______. Knave!" 

"Yes!" He said. 

"Release the girl for the chains and read off her ultimatium. I'm bored with this," she said. 

Two card soldiers unlocked the chains around your arms and legs, allowing you to stand on unsteady legs. 

"_______ of Hearts. You herby are accused of being guilty of treason against our Queen. Your punishment will be of your choosing. Our gracious queen has given you a choice. You may either kill Jasper of Dimonds and spare Miss Liddell and The land of Hearts from being killed or The Queen of Hearts will kill you and everyone else. You must choose now," with that he handed you the executioners blade and pushed you towards Jasper. 

"N-no. I can't do this," you said. "How could I?" 

"______," Jasper said. He looked up through the the blood and swollen eye, he smiled so sadly and that broke your heart. "Do it. I know it's selfish but you have to do it," he said. 


"One day you'll become Queen and you'll kill that bitch but until then, I want you to keep fighting and fighting," he said. "You have to live on and find a way to warn Alice. It's okay, my love. I knew I wasn't going to survive this world. Be brave, lass."

"I'm so sorry," you said. 

"I love you, ______. I always will," he smiled. 

"Off with his head!" The Queen of bloody Hearts yelled. 

You pulled the sword back and let your tears fall. "Forgive me, my love!" You said as you sliced down, closing your eyes. 


"________!" You opened your eyes to see Sam. He leaned over your, shaking your shoulders. "Are you okay?" 

"Yeah," you said finally. You sat up and rested your head on his shoulder. "Life sucks, man." 

He snorted, "Tell me about it," he said. "What was it about?" 

"The worse day of my life," you said wiping off some stray tears. 

"Too painful?" 


"Don't want to talk about it?" 

"I'd prefer to just stay like this." 

The two of you sat in silence. He wrapped his arms around you as you just laid your head on his shoulder. You didn't cry. There was no reason to and you told yourself you would forgive and forget. That was much harder than it sounded. 

You closed your eyes once again. This time Sam leaned back against the headboard and laid your head in his lap. He stayed there until he started telling asleep. He knew his neck would hurt like hell after this but it was worth it. 

Of course, peaceful moments like these were meant to be inturupted. In came Dean, slamming open of course, frantic. 

"Huh.? What?" You asked groggily as you sat back up. 

"What the hell, Dean?" Sam said rubbing his eyes. 

Dean ignored the fact that the two of you were together, "We have a problem!"  

"When do we not?" 

"_______, it's from the dugeon." 

You our were up in an instant and out the door. 

He was right, the dungeon door was shaking and light was coming from inside. You unlocked the door quickly and swung the doors open. The box inside was still there,  this time glowing blue. Not a menacing blue like last time but a more softer blue, sky blue. 

The portal opened and this time it didn't collapse in on itself. Sam and Dean already had thief shotguns aimed at whatever was coming through, you didn't have the Vorpal Sword so you would have to use the angel blade. 

And finally four different people tumbled out of the portal. Just fell onto a heap on the floor. 

One particular figure, with a crown--formally your crown----resting on top of her her long blonde hair and poofy blue dress looked up, searching with her baby blue eyes. Finally they rested on you. She smiled a smile for which you hadn't seen in such a long time. 

"_______," she breathed out. "It's so good to see you," she said right before she collapsed. You stooped towards the floor and caught her. 

"Oh gods! Alice!" 

© 2015 - 2024 TheRedGarnet
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SkrillexGal445's avatar
PLEASE UPDATE THIS SOON!!! This is getting very good, very fast. <3